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My Favorite Mathematicians

Seeing as how I am wanting to be a math teacher, one might be inclined to think I enjoy mathematics. As a matter of fact, I actually do! Included on this page are a few of my favorite mathematicians. Why are they my favorites? There are many reasons... some of them led interesting lives, others of them were essential to mathematics as a discipline, and some of them are very eccentric people. Click on one of the mathematicians to learn a little about his/her life and (if your browser lets you) see a portrait of him/her. By the way, I realize that no "eastern" mathematicians are represented in this list. Unfortunately, I am not very well-versed at all in that realm of mathematics, and that's why none of my favorite mathematicians come from there.

Archimedes Euclid Karl Friedrich Gauss
Ada Byron Leonhard Euler Hypatia of Alexandria
Georg Cantor Evariste Galois Zeno of Elea
Last updated: November 26, 2001
©2001 Jared Schuetter