Seeing as how I am wanting to be a math teacher, one might be inclined to think I enjoy mathematics. As a matter of fact, I actually do! Included on this page are a few of my favorite mathematicians. Why are they my favorites? There are many reasons... some of them led interesting lives, others of them were essential to mathematics as a discipline, and some of them are very eccentric people. Click on one of the mathematicians to learn a little about his/her life and (if your browser lets you) see a portrait of him/her. By the way, I realize that no "eastern" mathematicians are represented in this list. Unfortunately, I am not very well-versed at all in that realm of mathematics, and that's why none of my favorite mathematicians come from there.
Archimedes | Euclid | Karl Friedrich Gauss |
Ada Byron | Leonhard Euler | Hypatia of Alexandria |
Georg Cantor | Evariste Galois | Zeno of Elea |